These 3d papercraft bed props were designed to look great and assemble easily so you can fill up your houses and inns in a way that helps tell your story. Each bed is provided with a variety of sheet colors and layers to add stains.
This set comes with three styles of beds. The single bed measuring approximately .75″ wide by 1.4″ long by .75″ tall. A double bed is approximately 1.25″ wide. The bunks are single beds, stacked about 1.4″ tall.
As with all of our props, there are step by step instructions. If you have a Silhouette brand cutting machine at your disposal, we also provide cutfiles to make crafting that much easier.
You can browse all of our props sets in our catalog, or you can head over to DriveThruRPG and start adding some amazing new details to your tabletop games!