Tile Sets

Need to cover your tabletop in a flash? Our tile sets are designed for quickly and easily setting the stage on which your tabletop gaming antics play out. Print out a variety of tiles and tape them together to form city streets or long country roads, and when you’re done, fold it all up or cut the tape so you can reuse those tiles later in any way you need.

The tiles make a great base to place some Buildings or Modular Terrain, or maybe you’re setting up a field at the edge of a forest using our Adventurer’s Campsite props. Get creative and make your roleplaying games more immersive!

Tile Set Previews

These preview sets are a pay-what-you-want way to cover your tables! They typically contain 6 basic tiles that can be arranged in all sorts of ways to make your maps.

Papercraft tiles of cobblestone streets surrounded by grass
Papercraft tiles of cobblestone city streets with tiled sidewalks
Papercraft tiles of dirt roads surrounded by grass

Full Tile Sets

The full tile sets contain many more tile types than the preview sets do, allowing for greater customization. Additionally, look for layers in the files to change the textures and details of each tile!

Papercraft tiles of cobblestone streets surrounded by grass
Papercraft tiles of cobblestone city streets with tiled sidewalks