
Papercraft props can add new dimensions to your game! Maybe it’s just a way to fill in the corners of a room and make it feel more real, or maybe it’s a point of interest for players to interact with. Some props hide secrets and others might just spark more storytelling. Whatever purpose you give props in your game, we have plenty to choose from!

Looking for great places to put these props? Build up a collection of our Modular Terrain, and make dungeons, taverns, inns, caves and more come to life!

Papercraft mine carts
Papercraft tables and chairs
Papercraft crates
Papercraft beds
Papercraft bookshelves
Papercraft temple props including a podium, throne, altars, pools and a gong
Papercraft kegs, barrels and casks
Papercraft cabinets
Papercraft tavern counters
Papercraft fireplace
Papercraft rum barrels and powder kegs
Papercraft model of large well with crane prop
Papercraft temple entrance
Papercraft holiday accessories for the Fireplace model
Papercraft palm trees
Papercraft crystals
Papercraft raised mine tracks
Papercraft campsite with tents, bedrolls, campfires, tree stumps and logs.
Papercraft stump mimic monster
Papercraft standing stones
Papercraft obelisks
Papercraft arcane and divine furnishings
Papercraft gravestones
Papercraft alien trees
Papercraft blacksmith workshop props
Papercraft mushrooms
Papercraft gravestones
Papercraft alien trees